Monday, January 20, 2014

Final Assignment

During the past few months I learned so much about seventy percent of the planet we all live on, the ocean. The physics of the Ocean is so fascinating to learn about and experiment with. We did a various amount of labs where we learned about the tides, the temperatures, the salinity, the density, the minerals found on the ocean floor as well as washed up on the shoreline. There is so much living matter within the waters, and we hardly even know the half of it all. The difficulties of getting down physically on the ocean floor has become much easier because of the modern technology scientists are creating. One for example, they have a team set base down on the ocean floor for a while to run tests, and examine all natural living matter down there. We followed this movie selection, with an assignment where we created our own laboratory on the ocean floor, and we picked a species to study. We recently have studied the changes in water temperature based on the location around the equator and the poles. We learned Density is affected by temperature, as well as its salinity. Warmer water will have less of a salinity, and colder has more salinity. We had a lab where we used hydrometers to test out the density while we added various amounts of salt to the mixture of blue dye and water. While we added more salt to beaker it floated more than with just fresh water. The ocean life has sure brought a interest into my eyes, and i would love to learn even more about the topics of physics.

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